Options Dialog

Menu -> Tools -> Options

Frames per second

Sets number of frames of *.avi file per second.

Step value of a scrollbar

Sets small step of scroll bars of all effects. The big step equals small step multiplied by 10. The starting value for small step equals 1, big step value equals 10. Very useful when you want to save an animation with defined step.

Total Buffers

Amount of buffers for creation of an image. Look Buffer section also.

Compression Level

Sets compression level of a saving file. There are total ten levels. 1 - minimal value, 10 - maximal value.

Horizontal and Vertical Spacing

Sets distance between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.

Show Grid

The switch for a choice to show or hide the grid in "Freehand Layer".

Snap to Grid

The switch for a choice snap mode in "Freehand Layer".

Read also info about "Freehand Layer" effect.